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Transition Services

Social Security Administration (SSI)
485 North Freedom Blvd
Provo, Utah 84601

The Social Security Administration directs the Supplemental Security Income program that can be of financial benefit to eligible individuals with disabilities. The SSI program provides monthly payments to individuals over 18 who have: a) little or no income or resources; b) a qualified disability; c) earn less than a certain amount. Individuals who are eligible to receive SSI may also be eligible to receive Medicaid benefits. Individuals under 18 years may also qualify for SSI benefits, but the income of the parents is normally counted when determining eligibility. Students receiving SSI may qualify for the “Student Earned Income Exclusion” which allows students who work to exclude some earned income when figuring the SSI payment amount.

Medicaid – Cannon Health Building
288 North 1460 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84116

Families with children with disabilities may qualify for Medicaid, which is a medical insurance program for the entire family.

Division of Services for People with Disabilities (DSPD)
Intake: 1-877-568-0084
Office: 1-800-837-6811 or

DSPD provides an array of services for eligible people with disabilities. These services include residential programs such as group homes, supervised apartments, living support and training services, professional parent programs, respite care, and family support. For persons over 22, DSPD provides supported employment services and day training services. DSPD is the main funding source for people with disabilities over the age of 22.

Vocational Rehabilitation (Voc. Rehab.)
150 East Center Street #3300
Provo, Utah 84606

Utah State Office of Rehabilitation (USOR) provides a variety of services to assist individuals with disabilities become gainfully employed. The person receiving services from Vocational Rehabilitation must have a barrier to employment caused by a physical, mental, or learning disability. By addressing each client’s unique needs and vocational goals, the vocational rehabilitation counselor will work with the client to choose the type of employment that is best them, determine services for reaching their employment goal, and connect them with the person or agency that offers services you need.


Ability First
491 North Freedom Blvd.
Provo, Utah 84601

Ability First provides advocacy, independent living services, community integration, peer support, and assistive technology to individuals of all ages and disabilities.

Department of Workforce Services

1550 North 200 West
Provo, UT 84604
557 West State Street
Lehi, UT 84043

DSPD provides an array of services for eligible people with disabilities. These services include residential programs such as group homes, supervised apartments, living support and training services, professional parent programs, respite care, and family support. For persons over 22, DSPD provides supported employment services and day training services. DSPD is the main funding source for people with disabilities over the age of 22.

WIOA – Department of Workforce Services
1550 North 200 West
Provo, UT 84604

WIOA Services provides services to qualified students. Services include paid and unpaid work experiences, tutoring, mentoring, occupational skills training, guidance and counseling, and support services.

Work Ability
1595 West 500 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84104

Since 2000, the Utah Department of Health in collaboration with other state agencies and organizations has worked to increase the employment and health care outcomes for people with disabilities in Utah. Work Ability Utah strives to link employers in the business community with the qualified workforce of people with disabilities. Goals include increased communication, reduction of barriers, and creation a comprehensive system of work incentives and supports for both the employer and the individual with disabilities.

Utah Center for Assistive Technology
Judy Ann Buffmire Building
1595 West 500 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84104

The Utah Center for Assistive Technology (UCAT) is a statewide resource offering information and technical services to help people with disabilities acquire and use assistive technology devices. UCAT offers free evaluations to anyone within the state of Utah.

Utah Work Incentive Planning Services
1595 West 500 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84104

Utah Work Incentives Planning Services (UWIPS) helps people who are currently receiving Social Security disability benefits (SSI/SSDI) and would like information on how work may affect their Social Security and other benefits (Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, housing, etc.) UWIPS also educates people about work incentives and community resources that might be helpful.

Utah Valley University
Office of Accessibility Services
800 West University Parkway, MS 190
Orem, UT 84058-5999
Phone: 801.863.8747
TTY/VP: 801.221.0908

The Office of Accessibility Services serves Utah Valley University students and the community by providing access to the campus and curriculum for individuals with disabilities to facilitate, support, and encourage their academic success and retention, and ensure their educational rights.

Family Literacy Center

The Family Literacy Reading Program is designed to be an enjoyable reading/ writing program for beginning readers whether they are children or adults. Students increase their skills by beginning with the simplest words and patterns in our language and gradually progress through the more advanced elements needed for them to be successful, independent readers. The basic program is structured around both computer based, print and video materials. Because the computer based materials are produced by two commercial firms, there is a charge for them. All of the other materials included in the Family Literacy Reading Program are free.