Transition Resources

What is a Transition Specialist?
A Transition Specialist, is someone that knows about the services and agencies that will help your child with disabilities.
How Can a Transition Specialist Help Me?
A Transition Specialist will help you know what the services provide, whether your child is eligible, and how to apply.
Social Security (SSI)
Devision of Services for People With Disabilities (DSPD)
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
Department of Workforce Services (DWS)
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)
Social Security (SSI)
Social Security (SSI)
SSI is a federal income support program. It pre-assumes eligibility for DSPD, Medicaid and VR. Students receiving SSI qualify to use UWIPS (Utah Work Incentive Planning Service) where SSI benefits and Medicaid benefits will be explained thoroughly in reference to working and continuing SSI.
• Disability must be a medically determined mental or physical condition that is expected to last one year or longer
• Meet financial criteria including earned income and assets
• Age 18 or older and must contribute to the living expenses at home
(Parents income and assets are not considered when the applicant is over 18
and the individual must reapply at age 18 even if they had SSI before age 18)
How to apply:
• Call 800-772-1213 and wait for a service representative
• The date of this call will be used as your application date and if found
eligible, a retro check will be issued back to this date (Call before 9am and leave a lot of time for the phone call)
• Give your name, address and SSI#
• The representative will make an appointment for a future phone interview
• An application packet will be mailed to you to complete before the scheduled phone interview
(You may leave uncertain areas blank and ask during the phone interview)
• Call the Provo SSI office and make an appointment at 866-366-9554
The office is located at the J. Will Robinson Federal Building, 88 West 100 North, UT 84601
Additional information:
• Utah Work Incentive Planning Service (UWIPS): 801-887-9530 (Debbie can give the referral)
This is a medical insurance program and provides access to cost-effective health care. One may apply for medical only or a combined application that adds food stamps, childcare and/or financial assistance. One must have Medicaid to receive services from DSPD or EPAS (Employment Personal Assistance Service). Students with Medicaid may also qualify for home health services.
• Must have a disability
• Meet the financial criteria
(Eligibility requirements may vary depending on the needs, abilities, assets etc.)
How to apply:
• Call the Alpine School District Medicaid Representative Simone 801-756- 6063 located at Dan Peterson School, room #1 (169 N. 1100 E. American Fork)
• Get a paper application from Debbie at ATEC or print one from
• Work with Simone to answer any questions you have on the application
• Follow the instructions from:
• Print an application from:
• Depending on how you want to apply follow the instructions from the website. (Contact the Department of Workforce Services with questions)
Additional information:
Devision of Services for People With Disabilities (DSPD)
Division of Services for People with Disabilities (DSPD)
DSPD is a part of the Utah Dept. of Human Services and offers services for people with disabilities to live, learn and work in the community throughout their life. Services could include respite, family support, day supports, supported employment, or residential support. This is supported by choosing one of two plans. With the “self-administered service”, the family may choose their own employees to provide respite, teach skills, or attend community activities. The “provider model” allows a company to provide the assistance needed. One must be diligent and proactive in acquiring services from DSPD.
• Intellectual Disability (IQ of 70 or less) and have a deficit in three or more
activities of daily living. (ADLS)
• Cerebral Palsy
• Autism
• Severe epilepsy
• Acquired Brain Injury
• Physical Disabilities (an adult who cannot use 2 or more limbs)
How to apply:
• Call the intake line at 1-877-568-0084.
• Complete and return form 1-1 and the Social History application packet along with documentation, recent psychological evaluations and medical reports
• Contact Gerri Guthrie at 801-374-7835 [email protected] if you have any questions about the application process
• Be placed on the “wait list” and wait for legislative funding determined by critical needs.
• Report any changes and critical needs often while on the “wait list” to the wait list supervisor for Utah County,
Karla Campbell 435-835-0739 or Tammy Davis 801-779-6710
• Return the annual letter that asks if you want to remain on the “wait list”
• If you are on the “wait list” and have a crises situation, inform DSPD Crises Supervisor, Jennifer Gee at 801-538-4202
Additional information:
• DSPD application supervisor: Gerri Guthrie 801-374-7835, [email protected]
• Information on local intake and referral case workers can be found at:
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Program
This is an education and training program provided through the Department of Workforce Services (DWS) designed to assist youth between ages 14 and 24 in developing employment skills, making career choices and becoming successful adults. Services can include: career planning, job search assistance, summer job internships, assistance with basic skill levels in math, reading and writing, connection with local alternative school programs or funding for post-secondary training needs.
Eligibility is one of the following barriers to employment:
• Basic skills deficits
• Disabled
• Out of school or are school dropouts
• Pregnant, parenting, homeless or in foster care
• Are offenders, have incarcerated or illiterate parents, or suffers from substance abuse
• Victims or witnesses of domestic violence
• Are a migrant youth, limited English proficiency, a refugee or Native American
• Lack occupational goals and skills
How to apply:
• Apply online at or visit the closest Dept. of Workforce Services (DWS).
Additional Information:
• WIOA counselors: Aaron Aders 801-372-1940
Department of Workforce Services (DWS)
Department of Workforce Services (DWS)
Assists job seekers with coaching, workshops, job fairs, training, testing and assistance with resumes.
This is also where one could apply for:
• Housing and Community Assistance
• Refugee services
• Child care resources
• Food stamps, financial assistance and Medicaid
• Unemployment Insurance Benefits
• Each program has different criteria
How to apply:
• Apply online at
Additional Information:
• “Eligibility Service Center” at 866-435-7414 or visit any DWS location such as at 557 W. State St., Lehi, UT or call at 801-526-0950.
• Alpine School District Medicaid Representative: Simone at 801-756-6063
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)